PAC Nepal had 10 years and plus demonstrable experiences in the field of implementing 82 different projects in education (20), literacy, child protection (32), health (17), agriculture, livelihood, WASH(3), safer migration (10), emergency response (including COVID-19) and school and media mobilization program especially focus on girls’ education (including girls with disability and from poor, marginalized and Muslim communities) and illiterate adults (especially women from marginalized, Muslim and terai dalit communities). It gained such experience through community mobilization means mobilization of existing community structures likewise, school management committee, parent teacher association, youth clubs, mother groups, and religious groups etc. The main objective was to mainstream girls, girls from disadvantaged communities like dalit, Muslim, poor, and girls with disability in education system (targeting higher education with vocational skills to prevent from the gender-based violence, discrimination, and exploitation). Similarly, it had a sound experience in awareness raising and behavior change communication. For that, it had organized street drama (120), stage show (20), ChaubatiyaGeeti Sandesh; prepared Video Documentary (12), tele-film, jingle, PSA, and

radio program (240) on the social issues likewise child marriage, dowry, gender-based violence, child labor, conflict management, school as zone of peace, HIV/AIDs, child nutrition, Malaria, Leprosy, safer migration and environment etc. It had targeted mainly Dalit, Girls, Women, Youths, Indigenous people, and other backward ethnicity.

PAC Nepal performed above-mentioned activities in Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sunsari, Saptari, Siraha, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Dhanusha, Parsa, Nawalprasi, Chitwan, Udaypur, Dhankutta, Panchthar districts. In addition to that, it carried out its project in Karnali Province, Province No 1 and 3. PAC Nepal worked with close coordination and linkage with many NGOs/INGOs likewise Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kathmandu, HelvetasNepal, Care Nepal, SNV, SaMi/Helvetas, Save the Children, UNDP, UNESCO, WFP, DFID, PSI, Embassy of Finland, AUVSO, IFES, UNFPA, Foreign Employment Promotion Board, Nepal, Election Commission Office Nepal, RRN, ASN/World Education, CFWA, SDRC, JWAS, RYC and RDF etc. Such street drama, radio/video jingle, documentaries are very much impressive and helping change in the behavior of the community people by sensitizing and internalizing them because they shot the real life of the community. It makes community people feel them their life.

In this way, PAC Nepal is well dedicated to work in the field of social concern like raising the awareness in health (HIV/AIDs, child nutrition, Malaria, Leprosy) issues, Sustainable WASH services, safer migration and environment. In the same way social issues like child marriage, dowry and gender based violence, school enrollment campaign, literacy class, child labor, waste disposal, conflict management, and school as zone of peace, immunization are the other focused area.